This incident make me grow stronger and mature...
Recall back my past i feel that is quite funny
i wont forget wat u told me
i will remember it until my dead
In front my friend i often spoke about {c}..
All is just a dream
That is damn naive and ridiculous
I dont have the courage to say hi also..
Build castle in the air
From now on i swear i gonna forget all about she..
Still have a long stride and path i need to go toward...
Hardworking guy
Hate people who beat the bush not straight foward
But over the limited also dunno....
The person i most cared about his advise.
One word represent{Talent}...
But have bad habit and attitude i dislike not hate
Have a great and good heart...
But scare to expressed to keep itself cool like...:: {Min}::....
This make people very dulan he
Appreciate your friend
Treat they as kind as u can....
All questions has been solved
our class will back to normal...
No more hatred between our friend..^^
No matter how far i escape
will chasing me until my last breath...
Born special..
Experience special
My fate and destiny also will be special
.....:::::Once u lost it u cannot obtain back the past:::::....
Appreciate what u got now.....